It's Time to Re-Connect!
'72 BCHS Social Hour & Check-in
It's been a year! Hard to believe that a year ago 160 of our classmates gathered in Golden to celebrate and remember our time together at Bear Creek.
Thought it is about time to connect again with a Zoom social hour and check-in.
Join the call for 5 minutes or an hour, but please join the call. There is a lot for us to catch up on, so mark your calendar and join the call from your phone, tablet, or computer on September 11th at 6:00 p.m.
We hope to see all of you in a week - should be a good time!
Regi Stephens Anderson has set up a Zoom call
September 11th at 6:00 pm Mountain.
Here is the link to join the Zoom call:Zoom social hour on September 11th at 6:00 pm
If asked for a passcode use: 797890
You shouldn't need a password to join but if you are asked for one use: 797890
Classmates + Guests
Your Reunion Committee
This group of your classmates has been meeting on Zoom every two weeks since June of 2021, working diligently to organize and put together the most memorable event possible for our 50th reunion. If you have questions, suggestions or ideas we hope you reach out.
Jeff Veres
Regina "Regi"
Cheri Dunn-Luck
Dan Gallery
Steve Baum
Karen Kovarik-Fisher
Debora Easley-Emert
Rick Spielman
Miles Austin
Copyright © 2022-2023 BCHS 72 Reunion Committee. All rights reserved.
Contact Us
Phone: 206-660-0006
Facebook: Click here to visit and say hello